1. Dyne : DYN e (dine) n. A unit of force 2. Dynagraph : DYNA graph (die’ na graf) n. Apparatus for recording the condition of a line of track 3. Dynameter : DYNA meter (die name’ e ter) n. Instrument for determining a telescope’s magnifying power 4. Dynamotor : DYNA mo...
islandology, islandry, islandy, isoamylidene, isoantibody, isobutyraldehyde, isocorydine, isocyanid, isocyanide, isocyanides, isodactylism, isodactylous, isodynamia, isodynamic, isodynamical, isodynamics, isodynamous, isohydric, isohydrocyanic, isohydrosorbic, isolatedly, isopropylideneacetone, isosp...
we take a final exam at the end of the course. the one who watches reality tv shows, see the finale episode or the final episode of the season.in a race, the finish line is known as the end of it. 4. root word –phil – a greek word, meaning –to love. english word with...
Greek RootDefinitionExamples anthropo man; human; humanity anthropologist, philanthropy auto self autobiography, automobile bio life biology, biography chron time chronological, chronic dyna power dynamic, dynamite dys bad; hard; unlucky dysfunctional, dyslexic gram thing written epigram, telegram graph writi...
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Rootlessness Roundishness Ruralization Rusticalness Ruthlessness 12 Letter Words with S Saccharinity Saccharoidal Sacrilegious Salamandrine Salamandroid Salesmanship Salification Salinization Salpingotomy Saltationism Saltationist Salutariness Salutational Salutatorian Scattergraph Scenographer Scenographic Schismatic...
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but it was undergoing refurbishment and modernisation so that gave us an opportunity to try somewhere new. I subsequently visited the new location with Roger Turner, CPS Chairman, to check their offer, which was luxurious, with an ideal conference room, impressive dining room, lovely décor and ...