Putting your ch- digraph word wheel together Print off the pages you need onto card stock. Choose between colour or black and white pictures. You can also choose between the options ‘chili’ or ‘chilli.’ Colour the pictures if using black and white Cut carefully around all three circles ...
There are six pictures of words that start with the CH digraph. Find the word at the top word bank and write it on the ruled lines. 1st Grade Trace and Write Color the pictures, trace the words along the dotted lines, and then rewrite the word on the primary-ruled lines. 1st Grade ...
‘Word Bingo’: Create bingo cards with nonsense words, and as you call out the words, students mark them on their cards. This game is excellent for recognizing and recalling sounds. ‘Memory Match’: Use pairs of cards with nonsense words, and have students find matching pairs. This not ...
ch digraph used in Old French for the "tsh" sound. In some French dialects, including that of Paris (but not that of Picardy), Latinca-became French "tsha." This was introduced to English after the Norman Conquest, in words borrowed from Old French such aschaste,charity,chief(adj.). ...
Check out these resoures or see all our digraph activities or consonant activities. Worksheets –Beginning Consonant Digraphs Worksheets with dot markers(covers sh, ch, th, ph, wh, kn, and qu) and Ending Digraph Worksheets with dot markers (ck, ng, ch, sh, th, tch, and dge) Individual...
Learn words that contain the 'wh' digraph with these word and picture flashcards. Wh Digraph Teaching and Learning Once students have been introduced to the ‘wh’ sound through listening activities, visual aids, such as posters, and these word and image flashcards become valuable tools. Not...
Digraphs are a pair of letters that make a single sound, such as sh-, ch-, and th- and can appear at the beginning or ending or words. Give your child more practice with these digraph worksheets for first graders.Short A Words with Beginning Consonant Blends:...
Digraph Sounds are single sounds that are represented in writing with two letters: ch, th, sh, wh, and ng. When teaching young children we call them “special sounds.” /ch/ /ng/ /sh/ /th/ /wh/ Digraphs are not the same as consonant blends like the st in stop and the pl in ...
In a digraph, two consonants work together to form a new and different sound, such as the sound made by the /ch/ in ''chicken.'' What is an example of a consonant blend? A consonant blend is two or three consecutive consonants in the same syllable. For example: cr: crayon, crow,...
Introducing the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit for Digraph & Trigraph Words! If you’re looking for a systematic phonics curriculum that follows Science of Reading best practices, then this product is perfect for you. With 20 scripted lessons, 40 printable student sheets, and 4 weekly assessmen...