TheseROOT-WORDSareCYCL & CYCLO. They come from the Greek cyclos, meaningWHEEL, CIRCLE & CIRCULAR. A bit more about the CYCLOrama, No. 7. This curved background on the stage gives an audience a feeling of being part of the production. CYCLOPS, No. 8, was a hideous monster with a sing...
What is the definition of a root word? Learn more about the meaning of root words, with a list of common root words and examples.
Root wordMeaningExamples act to do react, action, activity centr/o/i center eccentric, egocentric, centrifuge cycl circle cycle, bicycle, encyclopedia domin master domineering, dominate, dominant ego I (first person singular) egomaniac, egotistic, superego employ apply/make use of unemployment, employ...
***See More*** words-with word lists on our other pages. Words with d and y: iodhydrate, iodhydric, iodhydrin, iodimetry, iodohydrate, iodohydric, iodohydrin, iodometrically, iodometry, iodotherapy, iodothyrin, iodoxy, iodoxybenzene, iodyrite, iodyrites. iracundity, iridectomy, ...
Base and root words WordBase wordRoot wordMeaning bicyclecyclecyclwheel centralizedcentercentrmiddle point reactionactactto do Worksheet: Base words Want to test your understanding of base words? Try the worksheet below. In each sentence, see if you can identify the base of the highlighted word. ...
cyclitol cyclobutanol cyclohexanol cynicall dermosol diazobenzol diegel dienitol dioxindol dulcitol edunol endothall eternall ethynol farnesol fibrisol flutterball fluvisol folisol fucitol fucusol gasahol gergel glucitol glycitol gnemonol grevillol grumusol gulitol hangingwall harmalol helmitol heptano...
iminocyclitols iminoribitols indiscernibles indivisibles listicles manciples marriageables nocturnals parrels participles payables phenyls proconsuls rapscals retractables sheetfuls unprintables unriddles uphurls acetylandromedols antiphonals becquerels conventicles devotionals epidurals glycophosphoinositols ...
cycl圆,环 bicycle自行车cyclone旋风 di日 diary日记diarist记日记者 dict说 predict预言indicate表示 duc,duct引导 conduct指导induce引诱 ed吃 edible可吃的edacity贪吃 fact做,制 factory工厂manufacture制造,加工 fer带,拿 transfer转移ferry渡船 flu流 fluent流利的influenza流行性感冒 form形式,外形 transform改变formula...
RootwordClarOriginMeaningExampleLatinClearClarity,clarify,declare RootwordCyclOriginMeaningExampleGreekRoundBicycle RootwordDeOriginMeaningExampleLatinFrom,awayfrom,downDelete,descend RootwordDemOriginMeaningExampleGreekPeopleDemocracy RootwordDictOriginMeaningExampleLatinSay,speakDictation RootwordDormOriginMeaningExample...
withSallySleuth KristinRoslonskiEDCI519October16, Youcanfigureoutthemeaningsofnewwordsbylearningaboutthethree(3)wordparts:roots–wordbasesprefixes–wordbeginningssuffixes–wordendings Rootwords,prefixes,andsuffixesareeverywhere!(Clickonthegreenarrowtocontinue.)Suffixes Investigation...