CVCC words are consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant. They are more complex words than the regular CVC words. These words are a little longer and would be a next step after kids understand a basic CVC word pattern. Some examples of CVCC words are: pink, hunt, fast, milk, want, duck Example...
Among nine-letter words of the vowel-consonant pattern CVCCVCCVC, can one find all 125 possible vowel sections? Elsewhere in this issue, Hugo Brandt Corstius in "Battus in Wonderland" has constructed a story in which 125 Dutch words of this nature are featured. In English, it is possible...
D. CVCVVCCVCC 42. The phonetic transcription with diacritics is called ___. A. broad transcription B. International Phonetic Alphabet C. American English Pronunciation D. narrow transcription 43. The Black English sentence “I don't gotta do nothing” is considered incorrect because: a...
Nonsense words need to mirror the pattern of real words. For example, the ability to decode words likelevorcojhave no true value, because we don’t have words in the English language that end with justvorj. Decoding a word likemigornupwould have value because these words mirror patterns y...