Belligerent starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters b, be, bel, bell, belli, and the ending characters are t, nt, ent, rent, erent, . Belligerent is also a double consonant (ll) word. View the double consonant words list. Definition Someone who fights (or is ...
5 Letter Words with I and T 5 Letter Words with S and I 5 Letter Words with I and E Words that End in I QI Words UI Words Plus, explore more 5 letter words that end in… A|C|D|E|H|I|K|L|M|N O|P|R|S|T|U|W|Y|Z ...
belabours, belcher, belchers, beleaguer, beleaguered, beleaguering, beleaguers, belfried, belfries, belfry, belier, beliers, believer, believers, beliquor, beliquored, beliquoring, beliquors, bellbird, bellbirds, belligerence, belligerences, belligerencies, belligerency, belligerent, belligerents....
5 Letter Words with I and Start with B Baile Bails Bairn Baisa Baith Baits Baiza Baize Bajri Baloi Balti Bambi Bania Baozi Barfi Baric Basic Basij Basil Basin Basis Bassi Basti Batik Bavin Bedim Beedi Befit Begin Beige Beigy Being Beins Beira Beisa Belie Belli Bemix Biach Biali Bialy Bi...
casus belli Latin: an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war. casus foederis Latin for "case for the alliance." catafalque The raised platform that holds a coffin containing a corpse during funeral ceremonies. catchpenny Using sensationalism or cheapness for appeal. catharsis Ori...
bellicose(adj.) early 15c., "inclined to fighting," from Latinbellicosus"warlike, valorous, given to fighting," frombellicus"of war," frombellum"war" (Old Latinduellum,dvellum), which is of uncertain origin. The best etymology forduellumso far has been proposed by Pinault 1987, who posit...
) A tall umbelliferous plant (Ferula communis). See Giant fennel, under Fennel. Narthex (n.) The portico in front of ancient churches; sometimes, the atrium or outer court surrounded by ambulatories; -- used, generally, for any vestibule, lobby, or outer porch, leading to the nave of ...
bellibone bilestone burrstone chlordecone chuckiestone clogestone corglycone danthron diphone edgestone exifone fingerbone forestone framestone icestone imbrown interpone intone irestone lactucone loan lovestone mandlestone menthone milestone muscone ossicone overcone plethron plumboan quindecone quin...
And sometimes it helps to be able to fire a few juicy phrases of your own. Select a letter above to go to the page of Italian swearwords starting with that letter. Subject to revision whenever the mood strikes me. If you have something you’d like to add or suggest or comment on, ...
Geocaching Toolbox has web interface to calculate any word or words you want: Word value (Digital root). "Xona Games" is 99%, by the way! :) Anoush Najarian examined dollar words to greater detail here, including examining a smaller word list of common words, in "Dollar Words with ...