Note: The Prefix “Hyper” and Related Words This is a quite misleading title because of the simple fact that a prefix is a prefix and a word is a word – deeply logical, but a rule that is often broken by the inhabitants of the British Isles. There are sets of prefixes that are ar...
When added at the beginning of the word, they are calledprefixes. Common prefixes include: “an-” (“without”), anti- (“against”), “hyper-” (“over”), “non-” (“lack of”), “pre-” (“before”), and “post-” (“after”). ...
For large sets of characters to decode, use the unscrambler.All Words: dysphemism, dysphemia, hyperadrenocorticism, hyperthyroidism, dermatophytosis, hypoadrenocorticism, hypodermis, dermatoglyphics, dysphemistic, hyperparathyroidism, Phyllostomidae, mucopolysaccharide, medicophysics, hypophysectomized, ...
loco; wacky; loopy; haywire; nuts; balmy; kooky; nutty; barmy; around the bend; buggy; kookie; loony; whacky; crackers; round the bend; daft; dotty; batty; cracked; fruity; bonkers. it used to drive my husband balmy nounnocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membrano...
hypervitaminosis, conservationism, malobservation, uncommunicativeness, unimaginativeness, imperativeness, comparativeness, negativism, privateersman, transvestitism, affirmativeness, normativeness, timesaving, conventionalism, vegetarianism, formativeness, maidservant, valetudinarianism, machiavellianist, remonstr...
touch typing, the method of typing without looking at the keyboard, has a direct impact on increasing wpm. by keeping the fingers on the home row and using all fingers to strike the keys, touch typists develop muscle memory and become more efficient at typing. this technique eliminates the ...
Combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes are all elements that can be used to create medical terms. A combining form is a result of joining a root word with a combining vowel. A prefix is located at the front of a term, while a suffix is located ad the end of a term....
suffused, suffuses, suffusing, sulfa, sulfas, sulfate, sulfated, sulfates, sulfating, sulfid, sulfide, sulfides, sulfids, sulfinyl, sulfinyls, sulfite, sulfites, sulfitic, sulfo, sulfonal, sulfonals, sulfone, sulfones, sulfonic, sulfonyl, sulfonyls, sulfur. sulfured, sulfureous, sulfuret,...
NOTE: Cross section (the noun) is two words, but cross-sectional (the adjective) is hyphenated. Moreover, many words prefixed by cross have become solid, e.g., crossword, crossroad. Do not hyphenate words prefixed by non, un, in, dis, co, anti, hyper, pre, re, post, out, bi,...
Pressing the nmi button or using the equivalent command on the management console sends INIT to all cpus. SAL picks one one of the cpus as the monarch and the rest are cpus. SAL picks one of the cpus as the monarch and the rest are slaves. All the OS INIT handlers are entered at ...