halcyon hale half half a cup half a cup of sugar half a kilo half a million half a teaspoon half a teaspoon of salt half an hour half an orange half asleep half board half cup half day half hour half kilo half marathon half note half of half of the population half of the year half...
By extension, halcyon has come to mean the best period of one's life or career, or a period of great happiness. used in: Berenice hamadryad A nymph who lives in a tree and dies when the tree dies. used in: Sonnet - To Science harangue A ranting speech or writing. A lecture. used...
gentle halcyon clear mild temperate lown equable moderate stilly balmy clement windless cloudless sunshiny rainless fair Antonyms & Near Antonyms angry turbulent restless agitated unsettled stormy rough unquiet tempestuous See...
To deceive or delude (using guile); to charm, delight or captivate; to cause (time) to seem to pass quickly, by way of pleasant diversion. bel-esprit A verbal, witty, intellectually lively person. bellwether The leader of the pack; the one everyone else follows. benighted Ignorant; not ...
Gone are the halcyon days when a lexicographer had an hour or two daily to read and look for new words: now we’re busy writing and copyediting articles for the website, answering correspondence, running social media feeds, moderating comments on those feeds, brainstorming new products, doing...
habenar habitat habited habitue hachure hackbut hackees hackery hacking hackman hackmen hackney hacksaw haddest haddock haemoid hafnium hagfish haggard hagride hagweed hailier haircut hairpin halavah halberd halcyon halfway halibut halides halidom hallals hallels hallier hallway halogen haltere halti...
Halcyon Hale Half-price Hallelujah Hallmark Hallow Hallowed Halo Handclap Handily Handle Handout Hand-picked Hands-down Handsel Handshake Handsome Handsomely Handsomeness Handy Hang Hang-out Hansel Happening Happily Happiness Happy Happy-go-lucky Hard-hitting Hardihood Hard-wearing Hard-working Hardy Hare ...
We would climb trees, make dens, have picnics and sleep under the stars. Ah, those halcyon days! It wasn’t quiteSwallows and Amazons, but if we’d had a boat and an island nearby I’m sure we would have set sail. Please excuse me, while I bask for a moment in my self-induced...
To deceive or delude (using guile); to charm, delight or captivate; to cause (time) to seem to pass quickly, by way of pleasant diversion. bel-esprit A verbal, witty, intellectually lively person. bellwether The leader of the pack; the one everyone else follows. benighted Ignorant; not ...