These words are used to show similarities between two things. WordsMeanings LikewiseAlso, in the same way SimilarlyIn a similar manner In the same wayIn a similar fashion By the same tokenIn the same manner or way CorrespondinglyIn a corresponding manner or way ...
different from whereas following this singularly even though likewise as you can see unquestionably otherwise one other thing for all of those reasons usuallyUse a Variety of Words When Citing Examples Usually, throughout your argument, you will use examples to support your claims. The following tra...
If someone "pulled" last night in the U.K., they're probably not talking about pulling a muscle or drawing something apart. It's commonly used as slang for successfully picking up someone while out on the town. Likewise, "going on the pull" means that someone is going out with the ex...
2025 These numbers instead aim to simply illustrate trends or superlatives. Matt Webb Mitovich, TVLine, 4 Feb. 2025 One hour away by train, Piedmont’s culinary mecca—known for its white truffles—is also the capital of one of Italy’s leading wine regions, or simply use Turin as a ...
2025 Point Reyes abounds with treasures, from a shipwreck-laden cove to a surprising number of herding cows—which can be easily distracting, so watch the roads! Katie Kiefner, Vogue, 1 Feb. 2025 Likewise, children who are easily distracted, prone to panic, or having trouble managing their ...
In those days, it was vital the chain remained unbroken. If the bucket wasn’t passed smoothly from one person to the next, the water would spill. Likewise, each paragraph you write must pass the reader on to the next one. Really, the point of your first sentence is to get your secon...
We were read “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise” from the Gospel of Luke and my hope is that hubby wasn’t the only one listening and learning that doing good is good for you. Good luck! Leave a Comment...
We were tired after the match, but, without a doubt, we still wanted to celebrate. Both of the examples above are acceptable; whether or not to add commas depends on the author’s style. Likewise, if the linking word is used to connect phrases or words instead of entire clauses, comm...
So likewise means I have the same feeling, or I have the same idea. It's kind of a friendly phrase but personally I don't really use that to transition between thoughts, I would just use “and,” I suppose, but that's how I would use it. 9. Instead Instead so so instead it...
To disable match highlighting at startup, use let g:matchup_matchparen_enabled = 0 in your vimrc. See here for more information and related options.You can enable highlighting on the fly using :DoMatchParen. Likewise, you can disable highlighting at any time using :NoMatchParen....