Teachers grow tired of reading commonplace words like “good” “says” and “thinks” in essay after essay! So next time you walk into English class, keep in mind these great words to use in your essays! And if you occasionally need help with paper research and writing, there are some ...
对于非英语母语的留学生而言,可以确定的几乎每个英语单词对应的meaning都是非常多样,且其用法也非常多样的,因此在English writing中,不管是新手还是专业的作家,都完全可以从词汇工具,比如dictionary等之中得到正确使用words的方法。 那么如何使用字典呢?在留学硕士essay写作之中,使用字典就不是简单的看spelling以及meaning。
a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.Essay writing service on www.hotessay.net.This requires not that the writer make all sentences short or avoid all the detail and treat subjects only in ou...
Use the following tips:Go through your first draft and circle the first word in every sentence. If you use the same word to start a sentence twice in a paragraph, then you need to choose another transition word and re-word the sentence based on what type of paper you are writing....
In this lesson, you can learn how to use linking words and phrases for the IELTS writing exam. 在这节课中,大家将要学习如何在雅思写作考试中使用连接词和短语。 Linking words are important for your IELTS writing, especially for the essay. 连接词对你的雅思写作非常重要,尤其是议论文写作。 Using ...
三、 Writing(You are supposed to write an argument writing (at least 400words). In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have wri...
正确答案: As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, on New Year’ s Eve, old parents are sitting at the table with disappointment and sadness, because no one comes back to celebrate with them. Although they have received a lot of presents from their children, they feel very miserable and hav...
“With the prosperity of economy in modern society, what is the symbol of success has caused a heated public debate over a long period of time. ” You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least ...
I have tried to pack a good deal into a fewwords. 我尽量言简意赅。 柯林斯例句 He talks quite slowly and spaces hiswordsout. 他说得很慢,每个词之间都有停顿。 柯林斯例句 Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out thewords. 罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。
to illustrate in other words To learn how to put examples in sentences for essay writing, please follow this link:How to Add Examples to Essays. Results and Consequences These linking devices can be used for solution essays or any essay when you need to explain the consequences of something....