The Gregorian calendar is the western world’s primary system, so to ensure Jewish holidays align with their traditional seasons on it, an additional “leap month” is added to the Hebrew calendar every two or three years. It can all get confusing. For example, if the first day of Hannukah...
alsohalleluiah, 1530s, from Late Latinhallelujah,alleluia, from Greekallelouia, from Hebrewhallalu-yah"praise ye Jehovah," fromhallalu, plural imperative ofhallel"to praise" also "song of praise," fromhillel"he praised," of imitative origin, with primary sense being "to trill." Second eleme...
[You can listen to the song here.]You may remember the story of Wicked. The so-called Wicked Witch of the West, whose name is Elphaba, was born with green skin. Being green, looking different, she feels the pain of growing up different and she longs for acceptance. Since the musical ...
THOMPSON: The Peaceable Kingdom. the Lark in the Morn. Alleluia. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. the Last Words of David. Frostiana: 5 Excerpts. the Best of Rooms. O Fons Bandusiae, Splendidior Vitro. Americana: 3 ExcerptsTuttle, Raymond...
Alleluia. For in this rose contained was Heaven and earth in little space, Res miranda. Here it was again: “For in this rose contained was Heaven and earth in little space.” Fire in her belly. Res miranda —marvelous thing! As Madeleine L’Engle says, “I do not understand the incar...
alleluia allergen allergic allergin alleyway alliable amarelle amenable amicable amitrole amplexus ampoules amusable amygdale amygdule amylenes anableps analecta analects analemma anethole anglepod anisoles annealed annealer annulets annulled antileak antileft antimale antipole antlered anvilled apoplexy ...
“Master of the House” is lightheartedness and comic. On the other end of the scale, there is the hostile emptiness felt in “On My Own,” a song about unknown and one-sided love. There is also a very noticeable flow to the entire performance, one that seems to be moving along and...