That leaves the question: What about the companionship of the in-person interpreter, someone who might know the whole family for years, someone to accompany the patient from clinic to clinic all day or stay at the bedside all night on what might be the hardest day of their lives? That was...
Last week, I stopped by the garden. I wanted to check the cold frame after the Christmas freeze when it dropped into single digits. Also, I wanted to get more turnips. I was pretty sure the arugula and kale were dead. Right before the freeze up last month, I went out and got more...
Reflections of the foliage are visible in the lake on my left, and behind that chairlifts can be seen waiting for the first snow to fall to begin their busy work of the winter. Small houses begin to appear, as well as family-owned ski shops, quaint motels, and Munroe’s Family Restaur...