18、faithful believers; 善男信女 鬼鬼祟祟Sneak around; 慌里慌张be flustered; 毕恭毕敬reverently, 油嘴滑舌glib tongue; 犹犹豫豫hesitate;马马虎虎 careless; 破破烂烂ragged; 磨磨蹭蹭dawdle/loiter;躲躲闪闪 evasive; 忙忙碌碌busy; 急急忙忙in a hurry; 伶牙俐齿eloquent; 流言蜚语rumors; 繁荣昌盛prosp...
44.Su Qin and Sun Quan are eloquent speakers. A:对B:错 答案:错 45.Which of the following roots share a similar meaning? A:spect B:vid C:vis D:scope 答案:spect;vid;vis;scope 46.Which of the following words contain the meaning of forward? A:proclaim B:provide C:proceed D:prohibit ...
参考答案:eloquent;hesitant[解析] (左边填入字母O和N,右边填入字母S和N,分别构成单词eloquent,意为... 点击查看完整答案延伸阅读你可能感兴趣的试题 1.问答题 Can you rearrange each of these sets of letter blocks into a word WE UN AR DER EN ER GRE EV MU TY NI COM 参考答案:underwear;ever...
Compliment: This is a noun or verb that denotes praise or admiration. For example, “She received a compliment on her eloquent speech.” Complement: Refers to something that completes or goes well with something. Like, “The wine is a perfect complement to the meal.” Tip: Remember, “I”...
For the past 20 years, Chief Seattle's eloquent messages about Mother Earth and Brother Sky have been diligently reported by writers concerned about the environment in hundreds of publications, including the St. Petersburg Times. Ecology-mindful quotations like "Man did not weave the web of life...
A kind-hearted person may not be an eloquent speaker; a glib person is often not kind. (Laozi)◎老子疾伪,故称“美言不信”,而五千精妙,则非弃美矣。(刘勰《文心雕龙·情采》) 老子憎恶虚伪矫饰,所以他认为“漂亮的话多不可信”。但他自己写的《道德经》五千言,思想深刻而文笔优美,可见他并没有...
Obviously, when it comes to speaking a foreign language, we all want to sound as eloquent as possible. However, keep in mind that using the correct filler words may actually make you soundmore fluent in the long haul. Of course, in order to become fluent, you need more than just the ...
:eloquent;persuasive雄辩的;口才流利的 orator ( n.)/'ɔrətɚ/:a skilled,eloquent public speaker雄辩家 jury ( n.) :a group of people sworn to hear the evidence and inquire into the facts in a law case,and to give decision in accordance with their findings陪审团 erupt ( v.) :...
” Sadly, Mortimer perished in an airplane accident in five years later, in September 1998. On this Christmas eve,Atkins Bookshelfpresents excerpts from that illuminating essay and Mortimer’s eloquent and passionate call for another Dickens “to stir our consciences and succeed where politicians ...
Hands clasped tightly together, I tried to give Steve Perrault a heavily abridged and eloquent version of this history. He sat impassive across from me as I blithered, awash in flop sweat and aware—perhaps for the first time since I answered the want ad—that I really, really wanted thi...