Synonyms for FORTHRIGHT: outspoken, honest, candid, frank, straightforward, forthcoming, vocal, direct; Antonyms of FORTHRIGHT: restrained, laconic, inhibited, quiet, reticent, unforthcoming, reserved, ambiguous
which is why there’s such vast volumes of fanfic spinoff novels, homages, rewrites, and new versions out there. And why, to return to the question, you have to decide where the story you’re telling starts and ends.
Return to Top B baal6 baas6 baba8 babe8 babu8 baby11 bach11 back12 bade7 bads7 baff12 bags7 baht9 bail6 bait6 bake10 bald7 bale6 balk10 ball6 balm8 bals6 bams8 band7 bane6 bang7 bani6 bank10 bans6 baps8 barb8 bard7 bare6 barf9 bark10 barm8 barn6 bars6 base6 bash9 bas...
Talk We need to have a talk about your behavior. Duck The duck is swimming in the pond. Sock I need to buy new socks for winter. Rock The kids are climbing on the rock. Trick The magician performed a cool trick. Brick The house was made of red bricks. Stick The dog loves to play...
“Of course I’ll go to the movies with you,” Anne replied. responded (verb) to say something in return: make an answer.“The capital of Illinois is Springfield,” reponded Jenny after the teacher called upon her to answer the question. stated (verb) to declare definitely or ...
Come along with me and let’s see a few places together. After this intro. post, the next post will always be the latest I’ve submitted. Don’t hesitate to look at the older ones! Perhaps it seems too obvious, but when I hear of a city named, “University Place,” I jump to ...
drive up the wall dropped-ball fast ball first call first port of call fish ball flood wall food stall foot wall fruit stall glass ball gone to the wall good call green-stall grow tall gym hall half-wall hard ball house-call house-wall ink ball inverted pall leaf fall light wall line ...
turn back the clock turned back the clock turns back the clock twisted-stalk women's work would attack after work amount of work angle of attack arbored walk barely walk best of luck body of work break the buck brings good luck brought to the block busy work casual talk cattle truck chec...
The return-to-office order is fairly minor, but it’s part of a larger effort to reshape the federal workforce, as a number of workers who’ve gotten used to remote work may retire or find other jobs, a way to shrink the overall head count without dramatic firings. ...
16 | This cow checking out the camera. Shutterstock Don't think you can hide from a cow if you're looking to capture a sneaky shot. According to NC State College of Veterinary Medicine,cows have almost 360-degree vision, so they can see practicallyeverything. ...