Colossians 3:16 :“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Today’s Meditation:The abundance of Christ are in His words. We will have more ab...
Anthem a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation) Apricot a shade of pink tinged with yellow Avoirdupois excess bodily weight "she found fatness disgusting in herself as well as in others" Baa the cry made by sheep Babble gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby Babbleme...
Synonyms for GREETING: salutation, salute, welcome, hello, regards, respects, hail, civilities; Antonyms of GREETING: farewell, good-bye, bon voyage, good-by, Godspeed, congee, congé, adieu
Haydn later arranged it into a choral work, where the words of Christ and reflections are sung. Below are the English lyrics corresponding to the “Seven
Thank you Jesus. I praise your name. March 31, 2024 by : MarionKeeping Faith Reflection and Vision Reflection and vision truly is a gift of and from the Holy spirt. It is crucial for growth and appreation for the Lord, our God. ...
As unique opportunities to be more dependent upon Him, to where every breath has time to offer praise and every moment space for Him to breathe instead. Though never enjoyable and often contrary to what we want, brokenness that is surrendered to God can render His presence in us unfettered....
Thank and praise God, and hope that he can deliver voice and power to me. End.
2 . No God-given goal can, thereforebe dependent onpeople or circumstances that we have no right or ability to control. 上帝所定的目标不可能依赖于我们没有权利或能力控制的人或环境。 be content with 满足于,以...为满足 参考例句 1 . The secret of happiness...
praise(v.) c. 1300,preisen, "to express admiration of, commend, adulate, flatter" (someone or something), from Old Frenchpreisier, variant ofprisier"to praise, value," from Late Latinpreciare, earlierpretiare"to price, value, prize," from Latinpretium"reward, prize, value, worth," from...