First, we need toshed the darkness. The Bible prompts us to put aside all that weighs us down, to not lean on our own understanding, to recognize sin for what is is, to flee from it. Second, our decision should be tocome to the light. You see, this light it’s a Person, not ...
Because the judgment of sin (death) and the payment of sin (blood) were both complete, Jesus could say “it is finished.”You might wonder how this could be a finished work if he still had to be raised from the dead. The work Jesus did on the cross paid the full price for our ...
But I believe I have paid for it, and if I were granted the right to go out, I would do everything I could to be a good citizen and prove myself worthy of your mercy.” This of course, was the man whom the Governor pardoned. Like Governor Neff, those who follow Jesus Christ ...
Time heals all wounds. Times New Roman Times Square Timothy Tinkerbell Titan Tito goes to church on Sundays Tito goes to the movies on Friday Tiw To Kill a Mockingbird To be, or not to be, that is the question. To stay fit, it is good to follow a well-balanced diet. To stay fit...
5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner....
In presenting his own body in the temple, Jesus leads us to present our bodies as well. We present all that we are to God, that he might consecrate us and purify us and help us to live more faithfully. In the Presentation, we are also reminded of that choice that comes for us every...
Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees abrood of snakes. He told His disciples to be asshrewd as snakes. The devil is called a serpent. THE SKILLED CRAFTSMAN It all started out well with the Tribe of Dan. God choseOHOLIAB, from the tribe of Dan, a skilled craftsman, to exercise that...
It is up to you. God has given it. Jesus has paid for it with His Blood. Now, refuse to waver, to be moved aside, to take your eyes off your goal. Refuse to back down. Refuse to compromise. Refuse to be nice to the devil. ...
aAssist us mercifully,O Lord,in these our supplications and prayers,and dispose the way of your servants towards the attainment of everlasting salvation;that,among all the changes and chances of this mortal life,they may ever be defended by your gracious and ready help;through Jesus Christ our...
a这些话比我们骂“你这畜生!”更为严重,因为这不仅是“骂人”, 也是对神的冒犯。 像God( 神 ) 、devil(魔鬼)、)Jesus Christ, Moses, Joseph 等词,在与虏诚的宗教人士交谈时,决不能随便使用,更不能带有不敬的口吻,否则会被认为是对神灵的不敬和冒犯。[translate]...