To put into words my time in Antarctica and South Georgia is nearly impossible. I had always described it as a once in a lifetime experience, but as soon as I stepped foot on the continent, I immediately knew I needed to return. 1 About 50% of the passengers of our expedition (远征...
1. Chen Ming's influence on my life goes beyond words. 2. It's no exaggeration to utter that this unforgettable experience is like an eternal flower, blooming in the river of my memory. 3. A particular experience with him stands out vividly in my memory. 4. It not only provides a pl...
Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Today Games What Does "Mah Jong" Mean? And How Is It Played? Ready to join the mah jong fun? Before you dive in, learn ...
In poetry, we say, "It only takes one hole to sink a ship." 英语让我们犹豫:“我不确定这是否能被修复。” 诗歌却决绝:“仅需一洞,便足以让船沉没。” In English, we say, "Goodbye." In poetry, we say, "I'll keep you tucked away...
Don't speak to soon meet the hand of your doom It's on a need-to-know basis watch out for two-faces I know about some unsolved homicide cases If it come down to it what am I gonna do Put your life in my hands I'll take a bullet for you ...
My life in twenty years In twenty years, I see myself as a successful businesswoman. I will have my own company and be financially independent. I will travel to different countries for business and pleasure. I will also have a family of my own with children who I will love and care for...
Write at least 60 words on the topic “The moving moment in my life”(请以“生活中让我感动的瞬间”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 在你的生活中一定有许多令人感动的记忆,请结合自己的个人经历,谈谈发生了哪件事,并具体讲述为何这个瞬间最能触动你的心灵。 (注意:1.信中不得出现姓...
an unjust situation. I began to wonder, what if I stayed calm and labeled this injustice as “peeving me?” Just to use the word would probably make me laugh. Maybe he was on to something. Maybe my partner had already discovered that when you change your words, you change your life....
Madonna - Words
【典型范例3】Myheartistoofullforwords. 言语无法表达我丰富的感情。 【典型范例4】Wewerealllookingateachotherindismayandatalossforwords. 我们都面面相觑, 不知说什么才好。 foronceinyourlife:一生中就一次 【典型范例】IfyoucanvisitNewOrleansonlyonceinyourlife,youhadbettersaveitfortheworld-famousMardiGras....