Let us briefly describe our results. We show that the general case of the synthesis problem is undecidable for FO2 logic. This follows from an adaptation of an undecidability result from [16,17] for a fragment of the Logic of Repeating Parameterized Synthesis for First-Order Logic over Data ...
7. Conclusions This study is the first to describe two different sources for between-word migrations in reading aloud: a deficit in letter-to-word binding in the orthographic visual analysis stage, and a deficit in the phonological output buffer. We identified several aspects in which these two...
[1] 第四十一条【同意购买的推定】 试用买卖的买受人在试用期内已经支付一部分价款的,人民法院应当认定买受人同意购买,但合同另有约定的除外。 在试用期内,买受人对标的物实施了出卖、出租、设定担保物权等非试用行为的,人民法院应当认定买受人同意购买。