“ It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the backyard was the same one. Maybe the two different worlds weren't so different”. Darry, Sodapop and Johnny stood out as parent figures in different ways as they helped each other in tough ...
Everyone has someone who has impacted them in a positive or negative way. In the book “The Outsiders” by S.E Hinton Johnny impacts Ponyboy. Jonny gets Pony out of his comfort zone, encourages him to do good things, last Jonny helps Pony take the right path in life. The song “Love...
selflessness are words that describe heroes. Mundane people can be heroes when they have enough perseverance to do extraordinary tasks. They sacrifice their needs for others. Frederick Douglass was a brave, honorable and bold abolitionist, his heroism was impactful and it changed the mindset of ...
Uncertainty is the word I would use to describe June all throughout the story, as this is a trait that she always has had. June was used to being so loyal to the Republic, but when she started working for them, she became uncertain of who they really were. June was always wondering ...
An identity is something that is giving from a parent, teacher, friend, or yourself. Fingering out your identity can take years, but once found people become better citizens. People that I hang around describe me as an energetic, down to earth person. Unlike my parents and friends, I ...