Master these words to describe their vibrant colors, textures, and flavors: Apple: A classic fruit, known for its crisp texture and sweet-tart flavor. Banana: A versatile fruit with a soft, creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste. Berry: A small, juicy fruit with a ...
Learn to describe different flavors using words like savory, spicy, tangy, and smoky. Texture: Crunchy, chewy, smooth, creamy, soft - the texture of food can greatly impact our enjoyment. Use words like crispy, tender, and firm to describe different textures. Appearance: ...
I hope that you found something to describe your favorite delicious treat. If you have a different word, I don't know, do you have something else that you like to use to describe a dessert? If you do, let us know in the comments for sure. So thanks very much for watching this ...
So I thanked them all again and moved on in to the reception, and took an empty seat next to a friendly married couple. They invited me to help myself to the festive treats, and eagerly asked me the standard Catholic question: “What is your usual Mass?” Orthodox people don’t ask ...
describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate desperately despite dessert destination destroy destruction detail detailed detect detective determination determine devastating develop developer developing development developmental device devil devote diabetes diagnose diagnosis dialogue diamond ...
The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels. 霾 The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth. O toxic [taksikJ adj. When something is toxic, it is poisonous and very dangerous. 勹 Please check the label to see if the product is toxic. D ...
Q055: If you had to describe something like the idea of time, how would you do so? Is it a concept that sonically could be described? A055: I never feel the necessity of capturing ideas in written form. My music comes to me as a continuous broadcast from the cosmos and I merely re...
Pasta is high in starch. D summary [sAmariJ n. A summary is a short statement that contains the main information about something. Cindy concluded the meeting with a summary of the project. EXERCISES 囚 Circle the word that fits the definition. 1. a small, oval, green or black fruit a...
describe door post situation brand payment county help six unique suggest window standard recently home locate agree requirement best skin walk operation quickly compare future purpose plant sound app contact likely itself fill church star because ear...
If something is coarse, that means it has a rough texture. The coarse sweater made my skin itch. D companion [ kampcenjanJ n. A companion is a person that someone spends a lot of time with. I always walk to school with my companion Frank. D digest [did3est] v. To digest means ...