WHEN the Khmer Rouge recently took to the radio waves to denounce France's view of the world as "demonic, stinking, abhorrent, disdained, and isolated," the joke around Paris was that the reputable Cambodian source omitted one important adjective for current French diplomacy - confused.La...
However just as in English, the French wouldn’t use this to describe a long-lasting relationship. When we are in a serious / long lasting relationship in France, we are more likely to call our love partner : Un ami, une amie (strong N liaison/gliding “Nami”) – a friend, or a...
In the 19th century, it was the term used to describe a medium for the propagation of light.Einstein's theories seem to disprove the existence of an ether, but even to this day, not all scientists agree.Read More > used in: Mesmeric Revelation lustrum A period of five years. A ...
The wordmonnaieis still used in French today, normally to describe cash or loose change. 3.Denim French word of origin:de Nîmes Unlike many other words from France, “denim” has a more modern history—and once you know about this one, you’ll probably not forget it in a hurry! Befo...
Recent Examples of basked As host of the Summer Olympics, Paris basked in the spotlight in 2024 and surely inspired travelers to check out France’s capital. Brittany Anas, Forbes, 23 Dec. 2024 The Brooklyn rep basked in his reception of the honor while sharing the news of his induction wi...
describe design despite detail determine develop development die difference different difficult dinner direction director discover discuss discussion disease do doctor dog door down draw dream drive drop drug during each early east easy eat economic ...
(Guignol can be used in French to describe a ridiculous person, in the same way that clown might be used in English.)[edit] Hhabitué one who regularly frequents a placehaute couture "high sewing" : Paris-based custom-fitted clothing; trend-setting fashionhaute cuisine a manner of ...
Business organization or service to become bigger and include more people goods or activities. Repeatedly. Very quickly and in very short time. Seafood see animal or plant that is served as food and eaten by humans. Competitive used to describe a situation in which people or organizations ...
6巴黎人工智能行动峰会:Paris AI Action Summit 【每日一词】 银发旅游列车 人工智能行动峰会 短道速滑 东北全面振兴 习近平向第38届非洲联盟峰会致贺电 2月15日,国家主席习近平致电第38届非洲联盟峰会(the 38thAfrican Union Summit),向非洲国家和人民表示热烈祝贺。
“Beautifully evokes a vanished world that once stood at the crossroads between the heights of civilization and the depths of barbarism before being overwhelmed by the latter. The restitution to Pauline Baer de Perignon’s family of one of France’s finest 18th-century masterpieces, through a harr...