March 5, 2013 Heath Ledger Heath Ledger was born, Heathcliff Andrew Ledger on April 4, 1979. He was born in Perth, Western Australia, Australia to mother...
Now I know it has been a while since the tragic death of Heath Ledger, but after watching The Dark Knight a couple days ago I felt the need to dig more into the effects the Joker had on Ledger. This confirmed my opinion that the Joker did indeed kill Ledger. Now I don’t mean the...
I will be the first to use hella in a sentence. it is one of my favorite adjectives to describe something to a higher degree. "This cheeseburger is hella tasty!" "The sink is hella full of dishes!" You get the drift. Hella has been used a slang word in California since the 90s b...
From his love of the five basics ideals previously mentioned to his impressive military career, the knight is a perfect example of how a knight should be represented. Indirectly, the tale is discussing both the knight and the idea of how a knight should be. The tale does not describe much...
What critics describe to be a violent R-rated incarnation will generate nostalgia for the nineties generation. It’s a focus on their wonderful voice work in the animated series. It’s a treat for Batman Fanatics to see the Joker and the Bat battle it out in the big screen with the ...