words to describe a personAppearance 长相: handsome, good-looking, athletic, muscular, fat, overweight, pretty, beautiful, good-looking, attractive, plain, slim, plump, thin, skinny 头发: pigtail 辫子 curly hair, wavy hair 卷发 straight hair 直发 spiky hair 短而直的头发 bold 秃发 bun 头髻 ...
wordsto describe a personAppearance 长相:handsome, good-looking, athletic, muscular, fat, overweight, pretty, beautiful, good-looking, attractive, plain,slim, plump, thin, skinny 头发:pigtail辫子curly hair,wavy hair卷发straight hair直发spiky hair短而直的头发bold秃发bun头髻bunches两个马尾辫center ...
1.Ask students to name some ways of describing people. You can start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short. Continue with examples of students who have long hair and short hair. Write...
中分fringe刘海hairdo,hairstyle发型parting头发的分印crewcut平头wordstodescribeapersonAppearance长相:handsome,good-looking,athletic,muscular,fat,overweight, pretty,beautiful,good-looking,attractive,plain,slim,plump,thin,skinny头发:pigtail辫子curlyhair,wavyhair卷发straighthair直发spikyhair短而直的头发眺藏遗茸鸽佑欠...
Appearance 长相:handsome,good-looking,athletic,muscular,fat,overweight,pretty, beautiful,good-looking,attractive,plain,slim,plump,thin,skinny 头发:pigtail辫子curlyhair,wavyhair卷发straighthair直发spikyhair 短而直的头发bold秃发bun头髻bunches两个马尾辫centerparting 中分fringe刘海hairdo,hairstyle发型parting头发的...
Take a skinny strand of hair from the left section, cross it over to the right section and pull tight. 671 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More Describe The Different Types Of Hair In African American African American women have different types of hair. For example hair can either be cour...
There are also more onomatopoeia words to describe the action of sleeping, such as ぐっすり(gussuri), すやすや (suyasuya), and うとうと (utouto). Meaning ぐうぐう (Gūgū) describes an actual snoring sound. It also describes the state of sleeping well, often associated with snoring....
Free Essay: I will describe a variety of hair styles for children. Short Cute Girls Hairstyles Soft, soft bob hairstyle is low maintenance short little girl...
Spanish is a beautiful language, with a lot of words to describe beauty. But would you know how to tell your Spanish-speaking valentine how attractive they are?There are many ways in Spanish to say “beautiful”, just like there are many ways to say it in English: “attractive”, “...
zeitgeisty (adj., informal slang): relating to or expressing the general trend of thought, feeling, or tastes characteristic of a particular period These new entries serve as further proof that, just like the world they emerge to describe, our words expand our record of the change that will...