WKPD: “Resistentialism is a jocular theory to describe “seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects.”… The term was coined by humo[u]rist Paul Jennings in a piece titled “Report on Resistentialism”, published in The Spectator in 1948″. P.S. I too think that “deser...
What is easily missed is that rebellion can be completed without cheap hair dye or a baseball bat. Rebellion can be something as simple as going against what your family would describe as normal. Listening to rap music could be a step of rebellion. 638 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read ...
Joe McCarthy (R-WI) to describe senselessly dedicated communists; later used to great effect by George H.W. Bush to successfully criticize his opponent as a self-described card-carrying member of the ACLU. career politician 1974[34] a term originally used for the entrenched communist ...
Aha! That information helps today's expression make sense. "Stir-crazy" means you feel unhappy and upset because you have been in a place for a long time and you want to get out. Some experts say the term "...
The article was meant to be read by minorities who are being ignored by the president and to white Americans. This article is similar to the other article because they both describe the fear that is bottled up inside Americans, whether it is because of threats 318 Words 2 Pages Decent ...
To describe the leaves of a tree falling off, one would say the tree lost its leaves Native speakers will likely be forgiving of this error as non-grammar-lovers make this mistake frequently themselves. Don’t Get Discouraged English can be hard to learn. The rules all seem to have excepti...
Used to describe a vlog where someone films everything they do in their morning, night, or other routine. Example:“I’m headed to the Tigers game - GRWM!” IYKYK Acronym or Phrase – If You Know, You Know Implies that something is understood or appreciated only by those who are familia...
Used to describe a vlog where someone films everything they do in their morning, night, or other routine. Example:“I’m headed to the Tigers game - GRWM!” IYKYK Acronym or Phrase – If You Know, You Know Implies that something is understood or appreciated only by those who are familia...
Short A words can also be used as adjectives to describe nouns. Here are some examples: The black cat crossed the road. She wore a red hat to the party. He was glad to see his old friend again. The lap dog slept on the couch. ...