There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe the way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism”. It’s not the easiest concept to...
Psychologists and linguists collect an increasing amount of data for a growing number of languages to describe various properties of words and concepts. However, no resource exists yet where one could compare different properties of words across languages. Given the increased interest in cross-linguisti...
teaist /a superfan of tea, stronger than SOED's: tea-drinker a person who drinks tea, esp. habitually or in large quantities;/chaist /a superfan of tea, closest to (Mandarin) chá/CHA, also with a lovely ring to it in Bulgarian and Russian/superfan /a fanatic not a mere fan/...
Can you describe your interest in the ideas of Heaven and Hell? Do you plan to continue as the Cosmic Inferno for as long as you did with the Melting Paraiso UFO? A042: For the group’s name please refer to (and feel free to link to) our website:
Psychologists and linguists collect an increasing amount of data for a growing number of languages to describe various properties of words and concepts. However, no resource exists yet where one could compare different properties of words across languages. Given the increased interest in cross-linguisti...