What's the Most Common Letter Used in English? What Does "Pi" Mean, and Where Does It Come From? Why Exactly Should You Beware "The Ides of March"? Advertisement Newsletter Salutations, logophile! Sign up to get everything a word lover could want: word origins, fun facts, and the late...
Nonetheless, the Protestant work ethic set limits to wealth acquisition and luxury expenditure. One ought to work if the work done is beneficial either for the general good or for one’s own, not injurious to anyone else, and provided that it did not lead to unfaithfulness in one’s calling...
anti-constitutionalist 2019 a description of the elected leaders who had taken over the Democratic party in the early decades of the 21st century anti-endorsement 2022 coined by conservative Kari Lake in her candidacy for Arizona governor to describe the helpful effect of Trump-hater Liz Cheney ...
Good Essays Read More How to Describe Yourself You could ask a hundred people todescribethemselves and what they like least and most about themselves‚ and I bet you would get the same answer every time. People would say they are caring‚ sweet‚ loving‚ forgiving‚ nice‚ and res...
Words to describe your interpersonal skills Employees with excellent interpersonal skillskeep projects running smoothly by collaborating with colleagues and making the work day more enjoyable. Here are some adjectives that show you’re a good fit for any work environment: ...
I believe in a strong work ethic. I have observed that in today’s society we have suffered a loss in this focused mind set. Along with other people I used to believe that I was entitled to receive whatever I wanted, from new clothes to good grades. I would justify my sense of entit...
Can you describe how the wind feels? What does sour taste like? When I am writing, it’s easy to visualize what I want my characters to see and feel or even smell. However putting it down on paper so that the reader can clearly see them is a difficult task. For example, if I wri...
Economists are using the termrolling recessionto describe economic conditions. A rolling recession does not involve one large job layoff across industries, but instead when sectors take turns making cuts. In late 2022 and early 2023,tech layoffsdominated news cycles with big tech companies laying of...
Words used to describe someone's voice someone’s eyes are dead‚ or if their voice is dead‚ they feel or show no emotion disembodied adjective a disembodied voice comes from someone who you cannot see flat adjective spoken in a voice that does not go up and down. This word is oft...
Describe a personal situation when you did not follow the law because you judged another alternative to be more ethical. Why did you decide to do that act? If you cannot think of a personal example, m The field of ethics is traditionally divided into three ...