【题目】Some unusual words describe how a person spends hi s or her time. For erample, someone who likes to spe n d a lot of time sitting or lying down while watchin g telerision is sometimes calle d a "couch potato". A couch is a piece of furniture(家具) that people sit on ...
Wendy has a ponytail and freckled skin.(Wendy 扎着马尾辫,有着有雀斑的皮肤。)这里根据题目中对 Wendy 头发(has a ponytail)和皮肤(has freckled skin)的描述,直接将这两个部分组合成一个句子。关于Sam:Sam is very funny.(Sam 非常有趣。)题目中只给出了 Sam 的性格(is very funny),所以直接按照要求...
一.Words to Describe People 1.Appearance 外表 2.Personalities[ˌpɜrsəˈnælɪtiz] 性格 3.Emotions and Feelings 情绪和感受 二.Words to Describe Weather 三.Words to Describe Food 四.Words to Describe Pets 五.Words to Describe Places 六.Words to Describe Trips(远行) 七.Typical ad...
Synonyms for UNFUNNY: humorless, lame, unamusing, sombre, earnest, serious, tragic, unhumorous; Antonyms of UNFUNNY: funny, comic, ridiculous, hilarious, humorous, comical, hysterical, ludicrous
Of course we 21st century speakers of English no longer worry about anyone's yellow bile becoming so heated or combusted that the person is turned malign or venomous. We just wish such people could develop a sense of (modern) humor. ...
【题目】Some unusual words describe how a person spends his or her time. For example, someome who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a couch potato. A couch is a piece of furniture that people sit on while watching television....
Some unusual words describe how a person spends his or her time. For example, someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a “couch potato”. A couch is a piece of furniture(家具) that people sit on while watching television...
Some unusual words describe how a person spends his or her time.For example,someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a"couch potato".A couch is a piece of furniture
Hello. I'm Gill at engVid, and today we have a lesson on some expressions in English which are rather informal, casual. Other words to describe them are colloquial, slang. So, these are the kinds of words that you would hear people using in everyday conversation with their friends and ...
To be unable to describe or talk about. in a word In short; in summary:In a word, the situation is serious. in so many words 1.In precisely those words; exactly:hinted at impending indictments but did not say it in so many words. ...