Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. word - a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning" language unit, linguistic unit - one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analy...
We were read “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise” from the Gospel of Luke and my hope is that hubby wasn’t the only one listening and learning that doing good is good for you. Good luck! Leave a CommentAdvent,...
It is this image of death that is converted to life, that foreshadows the salvation we have through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. In the image of the cross, there is suffering and pain. There is danger and death. But on the other side of Easter morning, there’s healing....
Monday Morning Moment – Withholding – When It Goes Way Past Boundaries Into Downright Meanness May 28, 2024 Leave a comment Photo Credit: Marshall B. Rosenberg, Quote Fancy This has been days in the writing. When I saw the quote below just scrolling through Instagram, it stopped me in...
“We have come to the kitchen without having shopped for the necessary ingredients,” I said. “Oh, and no thermometer.” “And yet you went ahead.” “Don’t judge! I was taken by a fancy. Also, I wanted to have some for tonight’s event. When it failed to budge, I thought pe...
morning Frühjahr: 1. spring, springtime Frühling: 1. spring, springtime Frühstück: 1. breakfast Fuchs: 1. fox Fuder: 1. cart, chariot Fuge: 1. joint Fuhre: 1. cart, chariot | 2. burden, charge, load Fuhrmann: 1. driver Fuhrwerk: 1. vehicle Fundament: 1. element, foundation ...
*Saint Sara la Noire is patron of the Roma (or "Gypsy") folk. Many of them claim an origin in India, an, indeed, Wikipedia identifies Saint Sara with the goddess Kali. Saints Mary-Salome, Mother of Saint John, author of the Apocalyptic gospel, Mary-Jacobus, Mother of Saint James the...
My own experience is that when I first became a Christian, about 14 years ago, I thought that I could do it on my own, by retiring to my rooms and reading theology, and I wouldn’t go to the churches and Gospel Halls; and then later I found that it was the only way of flying ...
“The 17 ways you can spruce up your autumnal brunch”, the more thelisticleformat worms its way into my brain, until I open my wardrobe in the morning and announce to nobody in particular I’m about to compile the “8 accessories that will cover up the gravy stain on your favourite ...