英文版吻别《Take Me To Your Heart》,当年红遍大江南北真好听 04:00 奥斯卡金曲《Take My Breath Away》,经典老歌百听不厌 04:16 全球最火英文歌《skin》,浑厚有力的嗓音直击内心,我在思念着你 04:03 永恒的经典《Yesterday Once More》熟悉旋律响起,勾起无数回忆 03:57 开口醉英伦歌《Someone You ...
Before we finish, a word of warning. If you want to call someone very beautiful in Spanish, you might think of the English slang term “hot” – but think twice before calling a Spanish speaker caliente.While this adjective does literally mean “hot”, someone who’s caliente is in fact...
Having some quality to a such a degree that it defies explanation or description.The bride was too beautiful for words. Her gown, her makeup, her hair—just stunning.We have to put an offer in. This house is too perfect for words!Marie, you are too kind for words. How can I ever ...
2. To carefully guide or manipulate (someone or something) in order to achieve an end. used in: The Balloon Hoax William Wilson mansardes A mansard roof has two slopes on all sides with the lower slope steeper than the upper one. Usually there are attic rooms with windows placed within ...
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Do you need a really long word to impress or confuse your friends? Here's a list of our favorite obscure and long English words and their meanings.
Someone who cuts a beautiful hair. The receptionist. Someone who received the visitors and a cause that I play in an office setting. To relax a tense or very formal atmosphere or situation. To pass time on nicely. Of the quilt. The skill. Ability that has been acquired by train. The ...
beautiful because become bed before begin behavior behind believe benefit best better between beyond big bill billion bit black blood blue board body book born both box boy break bring brother budget build building business but buy by call
When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer smile and say, 当别人问你不想回答的问题时,笑着说: "Why do you want to know?" "你为什么想知道?" Call your mother on the phone. If you can't, you may think of ...
I am indebted to my mother for her selflessness and nurturing. Mom, I love you more than words can express. Related50 L Words to Describe Someone: Boost Your English Vocabulary Today! Beautiful Words for Mother: Descriptive Words When it comes to describing a mother’s love, words often ...