Q: What is the longest S word and how many letters does it have in it? A: The word succinylsulphathiazole is 22 letters long. Q: What is the shortest word that starts with S? A: “so” is a two letter word. Q: What countries start with the letter S? A: Saint Helena, Saint ...
microfilaraemias paraproteinaemias parasitophobias playboaters quacksalvers quickeners rapporteurs reappears retractors sailboaters saltshakers showboaters sightseers tortfeasors triors yuppers zeitgebers absterse abulias afibrinogenaemias ageusias ageustias attoamperes becurse befrienders breres canceliers...
function loremipsumWord(myWord){ // takes a string and returns a random word with same number of letters, and the same capitalizationvar replacementWord = "";var correctCaseWord= "";var wordLength = myWord.length;if (wordLength >= loremIpsumDictionary.length){ // in case ...
Needless to say, I was pleased with the reception. We had a very intense and enriching panel discussion, and then we segued into a Q&A that was largely audience-driven. I’m not sure in hindsight, as moderator, that I made the right call in calling first on a man who interrupted the...
(Apollodoros, Library 1.184-5) In a version cited by Hyginus Zeus actually brings Orpheus’ mother in to arbitrate between the feuding Goddesses, with tragic consequences: Some also have said that Venus and Proserpina came to Jove for his decision, asking him to which of them he would grant...
“pressure waves in a material medium”; if necessary we would play Taboo again on the word “wave” and replace it with the wave equation. (Play Taboo on “auditory experience” and you get “That form of sensory processing, within the human brain, which takes as input a linear time ...