trained man tube pan van man waste can web can well plan wicked man wide span word man work plan would plan yer man according to plan ad-man band plan be gone cat man dance fan did all you can does all you can doing all you can done all you can far gone floor man food plan har...
trained horse troop-horse use force vagrancy laws vaulting horse water horse weak sauce weasel clause weather-gaws we force whole course willing horse will pause wine sauce winged horse wooden horse work horse wrong horse young horse your own boss action force advanced course alec sauce a to z ...
A similar sounding word is a word that does not rhyme with a word but sounds similar. # To get all of the similar sounding words according to Project Datamuse: similar_sounding_word('cool', sample_size=None, datamuse_api_max=None) # To get the top 10 similar sounding words and then ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
A few things we’ve done, in our little time, suggest we might grow up and learn how to cope, to make our lives sweet with reason and rhyme fulfilling our promise (the promise we’ve broken, the unredeemed token) fulfilling the promise of glory and hope: Cool, clean, crystal and ...
cord (thick string or thin rope)和chord (和弦)都来自Latin chorda 'string',which来自Greek chorde. 搜"words have silent letter h H",有honor, hour, honest, vehicle, ghost, rhyme, rhythm等。总之,cord, chord, təˈmaːtəu, təˈmeitou, 反正accord和“弦”有关,进而和音乐、合奏...
(also hoodie) : informal : a person, especially a youth, wearing a hooded topMentee: Noun : a person who is advised, trained or counseled by a mentorMesotherapy: Noun : (in cosmetic surgery) a procedure in which multiple tiny injections of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, etc. are delivered ...
berhyme, berhymed, berhymes, berhyming, beriber, beribers, berime, berimed, berimes, beriming, beringed, berlin, berline, berlines, berlins, berm, berme, bermes, berms, bernicle, bernicles, bernstein, berobed, berouged, berretta, berrettas, berried, berries, berry, berrying, berseem...
poetic writing which disregards tradition prosody (meter, rhyme, regular lines), 1902, from French, literally "free verse," in reference to lines of varying length. Seeverse(v.) +libre. I remarked some years ago, in speaking ofvers libre, that 'noversislibrefor the man who wants to do...
I read a criticism on modern poetry posted online. It was the author’s opinion that today’s poets are unable to write verse in classic forms such as sonnets and the like. He held that bards in our present era had abandoned poems with deep meaning that utilized rhythm, rhyme and structu...