Or just words to refer to another baby and mom? Sentence referring to someone else’s bany. Some possibilities:(I added to finish the sentence.)1. “The baby’s mom”.,,,was tired. 2. “Her baby”….is so cute.3. “That mom”…dresses her baby in the nicest clothes.I hope ...
refer richer roister sculpture skipper sleeper smoker snugger splutter stauncher steeper sunder tamper tanker touser whisker wider wounder astuter blather blether bolder borer bummer butcher canter colder confer culter damper denser dimmer error extruder feeder fender fervor flusher gentler gibber harder he...
refering refurling regaining regurging reigning rejourning rekeyboarding safeguarding salering sawdering scaffolding scheming scolding scorching screeching scrubbing scumbering slapping sliddering smacking smelling smickering snatching sneering snowsurfing soothering subtotaling supinating suppering surging swapping...
German might just have the word you are looking for where English falls short. See this list of some untranslatable German words.
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Words & Phrases Cf: continuous In precise usage, continual means “frequent, repeating at intervals” and continuous means “going on without pause or interruption”, and can be used to refer to space as well as time. e.g. The waterfall's continuous flow creates an endless roar. 瀑布不停...
"female intercrural foramen," or, as some 18c. writers refer to it, "the monosyllable," Middle Englishcunte"female genitalia," by early 14c. (in Hendyng's "Proverbs" —ʒeve þi cunte to cunni[n]g, And crave affetir wedding), akin to Old Norsekunta, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch,...
Most likely refers to "Ashtoreth, the Phoenician and Egyptian goddess of love and fertility and "Tophet", a version of hell associated in the Old Testament with the Egyptian worship of Moloch. used in: Ligeia asphaltum A dark bituminous substance that is found in natural beds and is also ...
In Judaism, it is believed that the true name of God is YHWH, sometimes spelled or pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah. But the true pronunciation of the name has been lost, most likely because people simply stopped saying it. In daily speech, Orthodox Jews may refer to God as HaShem, or "Th...
What the hell, stop being Versailles and taking selfies. Help me carry this luggage, will you? This is also commonly used for ‘凡尔赛文学‘: Versailles literature. Books or articles that drone on and one, or that are too elitist: 我昨天的约会,我不知道他在说什么,他只是在说凡尔赛文学的话...