I agree with you that he can get the job. That's really what I mean. I really hope that he can get the job. Nobody else should get that job. In my opening. It's right that he is going to get that job. It is out of my expression that he can get it resolved. He could yet...
Okay. Right, so now we're getting on to some more negative ones. "Dodgy". If something's dodgy, it can either mean, oh, it's a bit dubious, a bit doubtful, you're not sure if it's legal, possibly, it could be illegal, whatever it is. You might say "Oh, that... That con...
New additions to the dictionary mean newly playable words in Scrabble, which is big news in the world of word games.
possibly poverty prandially precedaneously preponderately ranny ranty rashly saffrony sailorly sandily savorly savourily scanty scaphocephaly slangily slidably sluggardly smiddy smirkily snickersnee snuggly socialistically sociologically soldiery substantivally summatively sunderly superficiality suppressively...
possibly certainly assumably definitively like as not practically as like as not clearly reasonably conceivably undoubtedly potentially plausibly supposedly assuredly positively unquestionably mayhap imaginably conclusively undeniably perchance indubitably indisputably really decisiv...
“Now, no one is going to make you talk—possibly no one can. But bear in mind, language is mankind’s way of communicating with our fellow men, and it is language alone, which separates us from the lower animals.” That was a totally new idea to me, and I would need time to th...
But the problem is that until you hear a native speaker say this word, you can't possibly know about the different types of pronunciation, the spelling doesn't change.并不是,但通常我们会这样做,是因为发更少的音节更容易,而且这能帮助我们说的更快,所以这种情况经常发生。但是问题是,除非你...
This phonetic process is possibly a remnant of the Old East Slavic language, where such words were pronounced with the weak short yer vowel ъ (which disappeared in all modern Slavic languages).upd. I also remembered an example where the transitional vowel appears after the Й consonant, as ...
In order that must be identical #相同的 Unless otherwise indicated #除非另有说明 Firstly,Afterwards,finally not .. but rather ... In contrast #相反的 One can well say that It’s our pleasure to present In this tutorial I will get back to you ...
What can a string of letters possibly mean when it is not a word? Speech sounds as one answer to the search for meaning in Finnegans Wake Summary.-In his last novel, Finnegans Wake, James Joyce attempted to redirect readers' search for meaning away from traditional paths by using many non...