She didn't mean to throw shade, but her comment about his new haircut was quite pointed.她并不是故意要贬低别人,但她对他的新发型的评论相当尖锐。It's not nice to throw shade at your friends just because you're in a bad mood.因为心情不好而贬低朋友是不好的。She often uses social media...
join them.Talking to new peopleis hard-but worth it.Talk to anyone that looks friendly but don't be upse if you don't become friends instanty Makingfriends takes time.Your old friends will still be there.Just because you're not seeing them every day, doesn't mean you can't stay clo...
Other languages have words that mean false, tacky, or trying too hard, but only the English slang term "cheesey" can fully (1)___ something so fake that it stinks like Camembert (一种软质乳酪): "He came up to me at the bar with this big cheesy grin on his face and said, 'Did ...
I’m a lexicographer. I make dictionaries. And my jobas a lexicographer is to try to put all the words possible into thedictionary. My job is not to decide what a word is; that is your job. Everybody who speaks En...
The aphasia also caused my dad to say things he did not mean. He would sometimes cry in the middle of a funny movie and laugh when something tragic happened. I found myself succumbing to embarrassment whenever we were in public. My father...
Motivation is the reason why you want to do something. It's all of the things and the feelings that make you keep working hard to reach your goals or to finish something.就是让你不断努力工作,达成目标,完成某件事情的一切。你肯定是为了某个目的才想要变成更加自信的说英语的人,对吧?可能是...
(3) ,not many fourth graders know the words and how to spell them,let alone know what they mean. Later that day,Mr.Jordan asked Liza if she wanted to (4) the spelling bee -- a word spelling competition.Liza nodded excitedly (5) usually only fifth graders could go in for it.During...
1英语翻译Her words struck me hard,but in that instant I realized a great many things about what it means to "make a difference." For a brief moment I felt usless,and I wanted to give up my dreams of changing the world for the better,But that moment quickly passed when I realized th...
That was sarcasm. I know it's quite a difficult word because there's a "KS" followed by a "TH", and it's particularly hard in phrases such as "The Sixth Sense". It's not as easy to cheat with this word as it is for clothes, but if you really find it difficult, you can, j...
They start life with small stomachs which need to be filled regularly so you child can gain strength and stay hydrated, so it’s a good thing that they are waking regularly to feed. As hard as disturbed sleep can be for caregivers, a waking baby is a good...