At this day it is indifferent to say in the English tongue, 'she is a witch,' or 'she is a wise woman.' [Reginald Scot, "The Discoverie of Witchcraft," 1584] mage(n.) "magician, enchanter," c. 1400, Englished form of Latinmagus"magician, learned magician," from Greekmagos, a ...
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All of these words ultimately came from the Latin word “vacca”, which means “cow”. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, this is due to English physician and scientist Edward Jenner’s pioneering work on vaccination against smallpox in the late 1790s and early 1800s.“The word’s...
The word “advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus,” which means “coming.” During Advent, Christians patiently await the coming of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Christians around the world have different ways of celebrating Advent. Some light candles, some sing, some eat candy, some giv...
latin latke latte laudo laugh laula lauta laver laxly layby layed layen layer layia layin lazar lazio leach leadu leaer leafy leaky learn leary lease leash least leave lefta legal lehar leioa lemma lemna lessa leura lhasa liana liant liase libra libya lidar ligan lilac liman limax linac li...
used in: The Man of the Crowd Apuleius Lucius Apuleius, a first century Roman, wrote a latin story called "The Golden Ass". It is an amusing work that relates the ludicrous adventures of one Lucius, a virile young man who is obsessed with magic. His enthusiasm leads to his accidental ...
To obtain or have temporary possession of an object (e.g. a movie) in exchange for money. It comes from Middle Englishrent(e)(rent, income, revenue), from Old Frenchrente(income), from Early Medieval Latinrendita(revenue, income), from Late Latinrendere(to give back), from Latinreddere...
Christopher Arnott, Hartford Courant, 4 May 2024 Carrie Fisher is trading the Force for more earthbound type of magic. Maureen Lee Lenker,, 16 June 2023 But for evangelicals, the migration of non-White immigrants to the US from Latin America and Asia could represent a more earthbound...
intumescing invigilating invocating irisating ironizing kriging krumping kvelling laborsaving lacemaking lachrymating lambling lapidating larping latinizing leafbearing leaming leavetaking leftwing legalising leging lekking lethargizing letterspacing levigating manducating marginating marmalizing martyrizing ...