Synonyms for SORROW: grieve, mourn, ache, anguish, sigh, suffer, cry, agonize; Antonyms of SORROW: joy, glory, triumph, beam, laugh, rejoice, delight, cheer
Recent Examples of Synonyms fordelightsome pleasant delightful delicious sweet pleasing nice heavenly satisfying Adjective Down in the garden, dead cornstalks made apleasantrattling sound in the cold wind, for all the world like the dry rushes of a duck blind rustling in the darkness of an overcas...
Happiness is generally fleeting and temporary while joy is a true send of utter and permanent delight. You might have participated in the recent “Giving Tuesday” global movement that unites people in generosity. It perfectly and conveniently lands the Tuesday after the spending bonanzas of “Blac...
delighteth delveth denieth descendeth descrieth deserveth deth deviseth dieth diffuseth diggeth dirtieth dischargeth dogteeth draggeth dreadeth dresseth drifteth driveth droneth drowneth dwarfeth easeth edgeth embraceth emptieth endeth espieth expresseth eyeteeth faceth fainteth fancieth fasteth...
mid-13c.,joien, "feel gladness or pleasure, be happy;" also (c. 1300) "fill (someone) with joy, gladden, delight;" also "have the use of;" from Old Frenchjöir, verb fromjoie"pleasure, delight" (seejoy(n.)). By mid-14c. as "express joy, rejoice openly, exult;" from c....
But there is one event that makes most lexicographers startle and gasp in delight, one event that will get us to look up from our desks and start shivering and chittering like lab rats on cocaine: When a well-respected newspaper prints the word “shithole.” ...
And forgot that God hates it. 22 “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge. And we rejected the gentle waters of Shiloah. So now we have the flood of Cancel Culture. God sends tyrants to gain the attention ...
By mid-14c. as "satisfy (a person), be agreeable to, be satisfactory or acceptable; to be satisfied." Meaning "to delight, attract (someone), amuse, entertain, excite agreeable sensations in" in English is from late 14c. Inverted use for "to be pleased, be satisfied" parallels the evol...
The noun חֵפֶץ (khefets) means “delight; pleasure” and the form may be either construct “delight of,” or absolute “delight.” BDB suggests it means here “that in which one takes pleasure,” i.e., a business, and translates the line “in the business of her hands...
delightous drudgerous duteous easiness ecdysis fatuitous favillous fecklessness gawkiness geminous genderless ginglymus heartedness heartlessness heliosis infandous innerness innovativeness inquisitiveness interestedness massiveness noteless nuttiness obsess parentless peakedness pegasse postumous prasinous precauc...