I floated. I was young enough to have never thought of clots and healthy enough to think I could will myself back to health. Death was possible (as it is always), and in the days and weeks afterwards as I took my daily blood thinner,I wrestled with my fear of Death in a real an...
loathsome images of death and decay to disappear, not denying them, but suspending, losing, absorbing them in the sublimer thought of the victory over death, of that harvest of life which God shall one day so gloriously reap even there where now seems the very triumphing place of death. ...
When we say something like “Cross my heart and hope to die,” certainly we don’t mean those words literally. It’s just an idiom, right? But if we are to take God at His Word literally, are we not speaking a sort of death knell into the atmosphere with those types of sayings?
I will be 33 next week and I’m reminded of 11 years ago when I turned 22 and that was the last birthday and Christmas I spent with my mother. So it seems I’ve come to the river of life and death again and I suspect 33 will present me with many challenges and great surprises....
Note that “serve folks well” = “keeping people from death.” It doesnotmean “make people happy.” Nope. Uh-uh. Hypervigilance isnotthe key to emotional success. But (I guess?) you live another day, and in that future day…you can go to therapy. ...
19th July –“You can’t choose between life and death when we’re dealing with what is in between.”– A cover that is grainy or looks like ‘white noise’ 26th July –“Ludo ….. down” – A cover that is Upside Down 2nd August –“There are children here somewhere. I can smell...