Complacent & complaisant : Complacent means smug and self-satisfied whereas complaisant means willing to please. Complement & compliment : Complement means a thing that enhances something by contributing extra features whereas compliment which means an expression of praise or politely congratulate. Conti...
complacently conflictingly considerably debauchedly deeply dreamy easterly ebony effusively exultantly fatality fatally generality heavy heedily helplessly individually inequity infidelity ingeniously insidiously intensely intermittently interrogatory intuitively latency leafy legally legitimacy manly marvellously masterly...
complacently contagiously continently contradictory divergently dominantly dosimetry draconianly dulciloquy exaltedly exemplary exhaustedly exogeny extrasystole factionally farsightedly fictionally fossilogy friability germinally graphicacy heavenly humidity huswifery identity impotently incidently inclemently inconst...
Synonyms for LOFTY: tall, high, towering, altitudinous, eminent, prominent, dominant, elevated; Antonyms of LOFTY: low, short, squat, flat, low-lying, stubby, stumpy, modest
Complacent vs. Complaisant: Complacent is an adjective that means content or pleased, often to the point of being careless or self-satisfied: "After years of service, she became very complacent in her duties." Complaisant is an adjective that means inclined or disposed to please: "The man ...
Synonyms for PRETENTIOUS: arrogant, pompous, hifalutin, ostentatious, grandiose, high-minded, proud, smug; Antonyms of PRETENTIOUS: unpretentious, modest, humble, unassuming, homely, meek, lowly, down-to-earth
Success does not necessarily mean realizing great dreams. Sometimes , it means to accomplish a planned task within planned time. For example,I plan to memorize 1000 words in three months,and if I do that,this is my success. Ma Li plans to learn to swim before the end of his summer ...
“He was sitting in an armchair, wearied with his work. He had fallen asleep in a very self-complacent sort of mood, as his work at the time was unusually successful. As he slept he thought a stranger entered the room, and though his face was benign, he carried suspended about his pe...
Complacent now talking of paper or plastic Hindering her true calling of dancing on a stage Musing of what life she may endure after closing Perhaps a mother of three with one in her future Wondering where the shoes will come from Or maybe an ex-con just trying to ...
Recognize that no matter how boring life may feel at times, how complacent you’ve gotten in this great mystery, your story can change in an instant, it’s like a flash of lightening. Someone may walk into your life on a random January day and something changes, maybe you didn’t even...