D。解析:在“phonetic”中,“phon - ”表示“声音”,是语音的意思。“microphone”中,“micro - ”表示“微小的”,“phon - ”表示“声音”,是麦克风的意思。“symphony”中,“sym - ”表示“一起”,“phon - ”表示“声音”,是交响乐的意思。而“photo”中的“photo - ”表示“光”,与“声音”无...
A root word is the most basic form of a word that cannot be further divided into meaningful segments. Root words are used to form new words by adding letters at the beginning (i.e., a prefix) and/or the end (i.e., a suffix). For example, the word “unfaithful” is made up of...
–something that is “made” or “done”. let’s check the different words with this root word – factory: is a place where something is “made”. manufactured: a place where something is made too. manufactured originally means something that is made in large scale. artifact – something ...
Sight words are words that students shuld know 'on sight.' In other words, they should not have to 'sound them out.' So, sight words are actually not... Learn more about this topic: Teaching Sight Words | Definition & Examples
that7 thaw10 thee7 them9 then7 thew10 they10 thin7 thio7 thir7 this7 thou7 thro7 thru7 thud8 thug8 thus7 tick10 tics6 tide5 tidy8 tied5 tier4 ties4 tiff10 tike8 tiki8 tile4 till4 tils4 tilt4 time6 tine4 ting5 tins4 tint4 tiny7 tipi6 tips6 tire4 tirl4 tiro4 titi4 ti...
get the job done getting done go it alone gotten done hanger-on having done in the zone jugal bone landing zone less alone lets alone letting alone living stone lying prone may be done membrane bone might have done mixing zone nicely done no backbone off and on pelvic bone petrous bone ...
Adv. under false colors, under the garb of, under cover of; over the left.Phr. keep the word of promise to the ear and break it to the hope [Macbeth]; fronti nulla fides [Lat.]; ah that deceit should steal such gentle shapes [Richard III]; a quicksand of deceit [Henry VI]; ...
An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an un released p are of the p phon eme. morphemes D. alloph ones 9.The openingbetween the vocalcords is 9. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as cavity C. pharynx D. cavity C. pharynx D. uvula 10.The diphthongs that...
cuff on the ear due to fear earth's atmosphere e-frontier expressing fear full of fear glass of beer glass sphere have no fear i here inspiring fear instilled fear instilling fear instills fear it's here just here lack of fear lives here look here lost here matai beer meet here mixed...
(Crystal1985)语素是最小的有意义的单位。它是语言中最小的构词单位。•CharacteristicsAllthemorphemeshavetheirownmeanings,buttheycannotbefurtherdivided,otherwisetheywillnotmakeanysense.Morphemesmayhavesomevariants,e.g.-ation.Mayalsobe-tion,-sion,-ion,butthey ...