"People expected the team to lose the foothall game. " It can also mean "to have less and less of something over time. " If someone is looking smaller than before, you might ask, "Did you lose weight?"The word loose is usually used as an adjective. Notice that loose ends with a ...
Do you want a list where the words are compounds that have two or more words within them? Simply add "compound", "plural" or "singular" to your search. The compound words system might be slightly different than you're expecting. Please review thecompound word listto review. ...
A list of words that contain Sperm, and words with sperm in them. This page finds any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary. We also have lists of Words that end with sperm, and words that start with sperm. Sperm is a playable Scrabble Word...
A basic English lesson, explaining how to pronounce words that end with -ion. Action? Transformation? Session? Learn how to say these words like a native speaker in this lesson.
8-letter words that end in technanotech.infotech.pumptech.wordtech.meditech.benetech.airitech.bluetech.
We’ve put together this list of 5-letter words with CSOL in them to help you figure out today’s answer, if the word is more difficult or there are so many options that you’re overwhelmed with choices. Are you a word puzzle lover? You’ve come to the right place! Even if you’...
that7 thaw10 thee7 them9 then7 thew10 they10 thin7 thio7 thir7 this7 thou7 thro7 thru7 thud8 thug8 thus7 tick10 tics6 tide5 tidy8 tied5 tier4 ties4 tiff10 tike8 tiki8 tile4 till4 tils4 tilt4 time6 tine4 ting5 tins4 tint4 tiny7 tipi6 tips6 tire4 tirl4 tiro4 titi4 ti...
in io is it ja jo ka ki ko la li lo ma me mi mm mo mu na ne no nu od oe of oh oi ok om on oo op or os ou ow ox pa pe pi po qi re sh si so st ta te ti to uh um un up ur us ut we wo More Popular Word Lists Words That Start With: a b c d e f g h...
Today, the palace isthese are said to have been painted by Princess31. From the passage, we know thatA. May is the best time to visit QueenElizabeth. The cottage is particularly charming inApril, when it's surrounded by blossomingCharlotte's Cottagemaintained by Historic Royal Palaces. ...
Words in use3 Fill in the bla-ks with the words given below Change the form where necessary Each wor d can be use d o proceed display consequently I When the police caught up with him. Mr.that he' d broken the spee d limit2 Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don't agree ...