You can't put that sort of fear intowords. 那种恐惧无法用语言表达。 柯林斯例句 展开全部 真题例句 全部 四级 六级 高考 考研 For example, one who doesn't know the rules a about plagiarism (剽窃) may accidentally usewordsor ideas without giving proper credit or one who fails to keep careful...
In 1987, Shaver and his colleagues published Emotion Knowledge: Further Exploration of a Prototype Approach, where they outlined a three-level hierarchy of emotions and categorized words within that hierarchy. In the paper, they identified six primary emotions: Anger, Fear, Joy, Love, Sadness, and...
I have zero respect for racism or sexism), but still feel like Trump better reflects your beliefs than Hillary did, don’t unfollow me and don’t be afraid to express your disagreement if I tweet something politically that you disagree with. You’re not likely to change my opinion and...
mid-13c.,joien, "feel gladness or pleasure, be happy;" also (c. 1300) "fill (someone) with joy, gladden, delight;" also "have the use of;" from Old Frenchjöir, verb fromjoie"pleasure, delight" (seejoy(n.)). By mid-14c. as "express joy, rejoice openly, exult;" from c....
The joy of witnessing their intellectual growth is unparalleled. Given another chance, I wouldn't hesitate to choose teaching English again. It is a profession I cherish and a life I love. 60. Most of us spend a great part of our lives ___ jobs. 此处需要填入一个动词,和jobs搭配,构成动...
to feel or express joy or triumph I delighted at the sight of my old schoolyard tormentor standing behind the fast-food counter, asking customers if they wanted fries Synonyms & Similar Words joyed triumphed gloried bragged exulted rejoiced jubilated crowed kvelled exuberated ...
to feel or express joy or triumph I delighted at the sight of my old schoolyard tormentor standing behind the fast-food counter, asking customers if they wanted fries Synonyms & Similar Words joy triumph glory brag exult rejoice exuberate jubilate kvell crow gloat swell ...
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Despite the darkness that blankets the earth, we praise and thank God for the light of Christ, which continues to shine and illuminate the path of life. Truly, it is a joy to the world...
After the meeting, I wasdisappointed and angry, but the intensity of one of my partners baffled me. He was enraged and felt that the other party was “putting a gun to our head.” His face was beet red and he was out of control as I tried to calm him down. The intensity of his...
Learn some useful expressions and bombastic words used in IELTS Speaking with their meaning to improve your vocabulary game and achieve a 8+band score in the module.