This page contains every English word that begins with the letter "T" in, the world's leading Spanish-English dictionary.
Start describing those nouns above with these most common Filipino/Tagalog adjectives. Adjectives are called mga pang-uri, and below are 25 common and simple adjectives in Tagalog. Connecting an adjective and a noun is done by adding -ng at the end of an adjective ending in a vowel. For ex...
"U is forumaga, the end of the night—when Mama kisses me good morning, and dark becomes light." My First Book of Tagalogintroduces preschool children to the Tagalog language—also known as Filipino—the national language of the Philippines, which has been influenced by both Spanish and Engli...
Ready to step up your dating game? Well, let’s get you more charming Tagalog dating words and phrases that you can use to impress! Remember, these words can be powerful. So, mean what you say. Communicating with care and sincerity is key to a person’s heart. ...
- You can now see and review the wrong words at the end of the game. - We've slightly redesigned some games in the app to make it easier for everyone to use the app. - You can now hear the pronunciation of a phrase spoken normally and spoken slowly. ...
Sometimes there are no words in the English language for our feelings. But we can turn to another language for the exact word we need.
Origin: Tagalog Not all love is romantic. When you see something cute--whether that’s a puppy, a baby or your significant other--and you feel the intense urge to squeeze it, you’re experiencing “gigil.” Give in to the desire, but just don’t pinch too hard. ...
Gain Filipino Fluency with These Advanced Tagalog Words The fact that you’re here to master advanced Tagalog words is proof that you’re ready to be as fluent in Filipino as you are in your mother tongue. It also means you’ve been studying Filipino for about a thousand hours already! Ye...
Arabs love camels so much that they use over 100 words to describe them. For example, “al-‘aees” is a white camel with blond hair, “al-thowee” is a camel that is too weak to stand up and “al-ghub” is a camel that drinks once every two days. They also have 11 words ...
the Conchordsis funny (I think) because of the games it plays with Keitha’s name. It wouldn’t be funny if we didn’t know that Keith was a popular name in Australia, that people often name their children after their parents, or that female names in English often end in ‘A’.[3...