end mill farm bill feel ill flax mill flirt-gill flour mill food mill force bill fresh kill fuel bill gas grill get ill get kill gig-mill go kill goose quill grey will hand drill have skill house fill i feel in real key skill land fill lap steel large pill last will less ill lies ...
inmantle intercardinal intracisternal magickal manubriosternal metepisternal mucigel multicisternal mycorrhizal nanogel nonnormal occipitoatlantal oenomel orthonormal outmantle oyl phenyl pul radicel rhodomel schull seminormal seneskal subxiphisternal superordinal underpull unnormal vertebrosternal warragul afe...
) That may be sqyared, or reduced to an equivalent square; -- said of a surface when the area limited by a curve can be exactly found, and expressed in a finite number of algebraic terms. Quadragenarious (a.) Consisting of forty; forty years old. Quadragene (n.) An indulgence of ...
6So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear What man shall do unto me. 7Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. 8Jesus Christ the same yesterday...
"Xona Games" is 99%, by the way! :) Anoush Najarian examined dollar words to greater detail here, including examining a smaller word list of common words, in "Dollar Words with MATLAB" (1,2). Also see our other prototypes.That is all....
(c) A loop near the buckle of a strap to receive the end of the strap. Keeper (n.) A fruit that keeps well; as, the Roxbury Russet is a good keeper. Keepership (n.) The office or position of a keeper. Keeping (n.) A holding; restraint; custody; guard; charge; care; ...