End In Xious Ending with xious. List of7 wordsthatend in xious. Add length, starts with, ends in, origins, and more with word search filters.Learn to ultimate word find. Learn how to use the easiest words finderhere. Word lists are in the order of the most common words andmost ...
infructuous ingracious innutritious mankindness mardiness nonvirus normalness noseless nothingness nucellus poreless portcullis poxvirus practicalness saladless saplessness sasquatches successless suffixless superbus superflus unpunctualness unpurpose unripeness unsafeness unsharpness abeyances abruptnesses bilater...
p.s.: Why do they always specify that it's a duck billed platypus, as if to make sure you don't confuse it with all of the other types of platypi (or platypussessesses) out there? Rebecca / September 26, 2005 9:32 PM schadenfreude: taking pleasure in another person's misfortune ki...
endnouneither extremity of something that has length endingnounthe end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme) endlessadjectivetiresomely long; seemingly without end endurancenounthe power to withstand hardship or stress
as an alternative to "He sat in the chair".I do not understand the example sentences you give (I must admit, I do not understand any of the abbreviations, so the whole thing is Greek to me - PCIE, PCI, PCI-X, SCSI, 'en', FPGA?).There is one example you give that I can ...
sticku sticky stiend stifle stigma stiled stiler stilly stingy stinku stinky stirru stitch stiule stleoi stnick stoing stolid strain strait strict stride stried strier stries strife strike string strive studio stymie stysis stytic submit suckin suffix sufism suidae suisse suited suitor sulier summ...
Between English and Chinese suffix,thereexists "one to many", that is,suffixes in one language can be replaced in another language with difference forms of suffix, and vice versa. For example: in English "people" suffix respectively by the Chinese “员、师、手、家、者、士、官、人、鬼、分...
If you have a very bad case of this, the Oxford English Dictionary has a definition that should fit your condition: “Foul matter, esp. that secreted in the eye.” Impluvious Definition:“Wet with rain.” (Elisha Coles, An English Dictionary, 1677) Degree of Usefulness: Useful for thos...
In time, the verb was used as a noun that carried the meaning of darkness. Shakespeare added the suffix "y" to the noun gloom and created the adjective gloomy. The word gloomy can be found in "Henry VI" Part I, Act V, Scene IV (1598) ("But darkness and the gloomy shade of ...
According to other accounts, however, it was either Laelaps, the hound of Actaeon; that of Diana’s nymph Procris; that given by Aurora to Cephalus; or finally one of the dogs of Orion. [Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.34.]...