Beyond the auditory, "R" words often carry a sense of regalness or significance. Consider words that describe things of high value or importance: rare gems, royal decrees, remarkable achievements. These words carry weight, suggesting something extraordinary and noteworthy. They ...
In Japanese, there are several other onomatopoeia words that you can use to describe health conditions. 1- The Condition of the Eyes 目がしょぼしょぼする (me ga shoboshobo suru): “to have bleary eyes,”“to have puffy eyes” 目がごろごろする (me ga gorogoro suru): “feel like ...
Point of View: It's Personal Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories ...
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describeth despaireth detacheth detaileth disarmeth disclaimeth dismantleth dispatcheth distilleth disturbeth dreameth dureth enableth encircleth encroacheth enquireth enricheth enrolleth ensureth entaileth entombeth exclaimeth exileth expireth
Be careful: Spend too long toiling at a dead-end job and you might find thestenchof your office hard to wash off. Young, overworked Chinese are using the term 班味 (bān wèi), or “office stench,” to describe t...
Metaphors And Similes In A Sound Of Thunder By Ray Bradbury In the short story A Sound of Thunder Ray Bradbury, many metaphors and similes are used to describe the T. Rex as an evil, giant being, who is impossible to defeat. Of course, towards the end of the story, the giant, evil...
describent diligent disagreement disappointment dopant excernent excitement forespent gerant gubbermint indictment indolent indulgent inefficient infrequent inhabitant insolvent insufficient intervent iridescent lapointe macroschizont mahant microschizont multiextent pertinent pexacerfont piedmont procoagulant refinement ...
In the 19th century, it was the term used to describe a medium for the propagation of light.Einstein's theories seem to disprove the existence of an ether, but even to this day, not all scientists agree.Read More > used in: Mesmeric Revelation lustrum A period of five years. A ...
General (non-theological) sense of "set forth, reveal, describe or tell" is from late 14c. Related: Expounded; expounding. 'In Englissh,' quod Pacience, 'it is wel hard, wel to expounen, ac somdeel I shal seyen it, by so thow understonde.' ["Piers Plowman," late 14c.] ...