Doing Theory: Words about Words about the Outsiders. Vanderstaay,Steven L. TheEnglish Journal . 1992Vanderstaay,Steven L.Doing Theory: Words about Words about the Outsiders.The English5Journal. 1992Vanderstaay,Steven L.Doing Theory: Words about Words about the Outsiders.TheEnglish Journal. 1992...
Johnny’s Eulogy Johnny was a nice and I respected him. To us he was brave enough to save people’s lives. I respected Johnny, and how he put up with the abuse...
Apparently, the X in Xmas doesn’t replace “Christ” from the word with the English letter X, but rather with the Greek letter “chi,” which looks like the English letter X. Chi is the first letter in the Greek word that we translate as “Christmas” and ancient Christians would abbre...
describers despisers digesters dimeters disarmers disbursers disturbers diverters doglovers dognappers dreamcatchers drillmasters enchanters enciphers encoders encroachers engagers enlargers enquirers espousers evaders evokers excimers exciters excreters executioners extruders eyeliners fabricators facilitators...
Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe the characters of Williams? A、Outsiders. B、Pitiable. C、Tragic. D、Adorable. 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题 你可能喜欢 砂土具有粘聚力 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题 黑色素产生于皮肤的 A、黑素细胞 B、角质形成细胞 C、梅克尔细胞 D、朗格汉斯...
” In addition, Ponyboy stated “There were a lot of Soc in that class-I get put into A classes because I’m supposed to be smart- and most of them thought it was pretty funny” This is ironic because people like the Soc look down on him and stereotypes the greasers as a “hood...
The mobility of American bas further spread regional expressions that have become general slang.Which of the following can best describe the essence of slang () A.Vivid. B.Creative. C.Original. D.Colorful. 答案 C 本题考查细节理解。文章第三段第二句“Newness is the essence of slang(俚语的...
Many indigenous languages use this word to describe a creek, and has the most beautiful translation:laughing waters. If you want to sound like you've been in Arizona a while, say this word:air-uh-vai-paw Arizona Words That Are Hard to Pronounce: Tohono O'Odham ...
THE WORD“demure” is old—it describes the sort of modest lady Victorians esteemed—but it is freshly fashionable. There are some 800,000 posts on TikTok with the tag #demure. Youngsters today are using the word with lashings of irony, invoking it to describe everything from Saturn to sun...