形容人的词汇(Words that describe people)Words that describe people:Positive, honest, honest, sensible, honest, industrious and brave, industrious, thrifty, humorous, gentle, polite, gentle, cheerful, Frank.Upright, gentle, virtuous, modesty, humility, kindness strong, honest, strict law has been ...
形容人的词汇(Words that describe people) Words that describe people: Positive, honest, honest, sensible, honest, industrious and brave, industrious, thrifty, humorous, gentle, polite, gentle, cheerful, Frank. Upright, gentle, virtuous, modesty, humility, kindness strong, honest, strict law has ...
3|Look at the words that describe people's character and put them in two groups. Consult a dictionary if necessary. intelligent bright mart brainless sociable quarrelsome simple-minded kind-hearted out-going generous cruel sincere tubborn frank |devoted mean lazy friendly hard-working stupid ambitiou...
形容人优点的词语(Wordsthatdescribepeople 形容人优点的词语(Words that describe people's strengths)Lively, cheerful, sedate, beautiful, generous, wisdom, perseverance, brave, confident, strong, calm, rational, vibrant, energetic, romantic, unity, harmony, kindness, temperament, talented, beautiful, ...
内容提示: 形容人优点的词语(Words that describe people's strengths) Lively, cheerful, sedate, beautiful, generous, wisdom, perseverance, brave, confident, strong, calm, rational, vibrant, energetic, romantic, unity, harmony, kindness, temperament, talented, beautiful, lovely, shy, meticulous, ...
words to the describe people的中文翻译 words to the describe people 词语对人的描述
描述人的词语多种多样,可以从性格、外貌、能力等多个方面进行描绘。以下是一些常用的、分门别类的描述人的词语: 一、性格特征 开朗:形容人性格活泼、乐观,容易与人相处。 内向:指人性格较为沉静,不善言辞,更喜欢独处或与小范围的人交往。 热情:形容人对人对事都充满热情和...
告诉你这些词英语怎么说!basic words to describe people around youT-English 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 5803 10 03:03 App 【T-English】Ep38: 这些生活中的小东西英语怎么说?Small?but basic English words in your daily life 1621 6 03:49 App 【T-English】Ep49:国际象棋...
形容人优点的词语(Wordsthatdescribepeople'sstrengths) Lively,cheerful,sedate,beautiful,generous,wisdom, perseverance,brave,confident,strong,calm,rational, vibrant,energetic,romantic,unity,harmony,kindness, temperament,talented,beautiful,lovely,shy,meticulous, ...