Tenacity, determination, dedication: these are some other word that describe what it means to preserver. Both went through pain and suffering to get to their goal. In the Odyssey with Odysseus, he was sent on a long change long to extensive - he was sent on an extensive journey away from...
Descriptivism in dictionaries really only extends to lexical and near-lexical information about a word. That is, if you want us to describe what the word “avoirdupois” means in the sentence “The coach limited his recruiting to linebackers of a certain avoirdupois,” we can do that. That...
In the Odyssey, Penelope waits 20 long years for her husband Odysseus to return from Troy. During that time, she must raise their son and fend off the attentions of numerous rough suitors. She preserves herself for a long time by saying she cannot remarry until she has finished weaving a ...
this spot did not touch the water and so remained mortal and vulnerable, and it was here that Achilles was eventually mortally wounded. Today, the tendon that stretches up the calf from the heel is called the Achilles tendon
The story recounts the power that Aphrodite possesses as well as the limitations of her power. One limitation this hymn primarily focuses on is a situation in which Aphrodite is humiliated. This myth utilizes strategies such as story structure and word choice in order to describe how Aphrodite ...
The question that he frames in all but words Is what to make of a diminished thing. —“The Oven Bird” by Robert Frost In this Frostsonnet, the speaker employs the kenning “petal-fall” to describe the autumn. The full text of the poem has been included, not for any particular reaso...
Books 1-4 Book I Summary: The narrator calls upon the Muse to help him tell the story of Odysseus. We pick up ten years after the fall of Troy in the Trojan...
I’ll just describe some special features of ours for those of you who haven’t yet followed the new fashions in architecture and interior design, and who are not that familiar with VM. Basically, most of the ship’s interior was made of VM, that is, matter without nuclei. Matter ...
"Ding Dong", a song form that scene, is sung everywhere, and Elton John wrote a hit song entitled "Goodbye yellow brick road", using the Oz phenomena to describe the journey a country man takes in deciding the city life isn't right for him. There have been books written about the ...
Saturn-Mercury star in Ptolemy’s coding, which we might well describe as unhappy thoughts and so it shows up when the star is on a difficult spot or planet in a horoscope. But if it be harmonious in aspect, instead, the same star denotes a good clear thinker, writer or speaker. [The...