1 Combin e th e words with th e endings to form words that you learnt in this unit. Then us e them to complet e th e sentences below.将单词与词尾组合成本单元所学的单词。 然后用它们来完成下面的句子。Words Endings achieve locate king-ce-ive-ic完成确定位置国王-dom-ment defend negate spe...
The term is often used to describe small Central American countries that are governed by a dictator or armed forces and one that is politically unstable. Let’s hope the U.S. remains a banana lover but not a Banana Republic! I hope today’s blog has given you lots of food for thought ...
He showed that simple American English could be as fine an instrument for great writing as more language.Using Vocabulary B行Discuss these questions with a partner.1. What places are you familiar with? Describe a place that you know well.2. What external conditions make it difficult for you ...
Words cannot describe the joy and the peace that flooded over them as they embraced each other. “My sweet love, after all these years…” Saif whispered as he stroked Badr’s hair, holding her tightly. “We can finally be together!” Badr Jamal suddenly drew back, as if she had just ...
This study applied word count strategies developed by expressive writing researchers to examine whether the words students use to describe and reflect on their field practicum experiences would predict practicum supervisors' ratings of their performance. The weekly journals of 66 students who completed a...
Then use them to complete the sentences below.I that 引导定语从将单词与词尾组合成本单元所学的单词。然后用它们来完成下面的句子。句,修饰 wordsWordsEndingsachievelocateking-ce-ive-ic完成确定位置国王-dom-mentdefendnegatespecify-ence-tion保卫否定详述describerefer描述查阅1 Professor Grange made severalto ...
Progress makes attainment–progress today + progress tomorrow = motivated achievement. How can schools use Total Words? Classroom subscriptions(awhole class has access to online reading and teachers have access to app progress data) Parent-school subscriptions(students can practice digital reading both ...
1 Combine the words with the endings to form words that you learnt in this unit.Then use them to complete the sentences below.Words Endings achieve locate king-ce-ive-ic defend negate specify-dom-ment describe refer-ence-tion1 Professor Grange made several to the relationship between the two...
The moment her fingers touched the misty, gauze-like material that lay folded inside, the dormant wings sprung to life; like a firecracker, they whizzed and whooshed through the air in circles before swiftly fastening themselves to Badr’s back. What happened next is difficult to describe. ...
Dispatcher Maura, our lead Russian interpreter, can describe the process for you, so that –“ “Did you finish your doctorate?” “No, Mr. Petrov.” That was certainly not a secret. But that academic ordeal in graduate school was still a source of deep regret. It ended the dream of ...