“You can trust us to do the job for you.” Seems simple, eh? Almost something that doesn’t even need to be said, since the implication in any ad or relationship is that if you give the firm a job to do, they will do it. There’s no claim of doing it right, doing it better...
[高三英语上半年高考模拟] Mary had struggled to find the right words to convey her thoughts and feelings ever since she was a child. She was often told that she was “too quiet” or “too shy”, and as she grew older, she became increasingly self-conscious about her inability to articula...
Expressing love through words of affirmation can take many forms, each uniquely impactful in strengthening a relationship. Understanding various ways to convey this love language can enrich your connection with your partner, making them feel deeply valued and loved. ...
To express the purpose behind specific actions, the use of linking words that convey intention becomes crucial. Here are some illustrative examples: In order to – in order not to – So as to – So as not to – to – Not to – So that – In order that ...
Words that convey love, hope, or peace often resonate deeply because they embody the feelings that many people cherish. When a word captures intricate or profound concepts, it can elicit a strong emotional response, making it feel beautiful beyond its sound alone. 3 Imagery Words that evoke ...
Synonyms for TRANSFER: cede, assign, convey, relinquish, deed, donate, lend, bequeath; Antonyms of TRANSFER: expropriate, catch, contract, come down (with), receive, accept, obtain, get
伝える[つたえる]:convey, transmit 膝[ひざ]:knee 肘[ひじ]:elbow 枕[まくら]:pillow 建物[たてもの]:building, structure 道路[どうろ]:road 四つ角[よつかど]:intersection 曲がり角[まがりかど]:corner to turn 警察[けいさつ]:police 空気[くうき]:air, atmosphere スポー...
Power Words for Trust Power Words for Anger Power Words for Fear 1. Power Words for Customer Service Power words can be the difference between a satisfied customer and a disgruntled one. These words convey empathy, understanding, and a genuine desire to help. ...
4、滋生腐败的土壤:the soil that breeds corruption 5、铲除/清除:eradicate 6、实际成效:actual result 7、以实际成效取信于民:earn people's trust with actual results 8、我们要坚定决心,逢腐必反,有贪必肃,不断铲除滋生腐败的土壤,以实际成效取信于民:We must have the resolution to fight every...
I'm unable to articulate or express myself because I'm too surprised, upset, or intensely emotional.I wish I could convey how much it means to me having you all here, but words fail me at the moment.And to think that you would risk your whole future by drinking and then getting behi...