But a coordinated campaign by the federal government exterminated almost all of them along with bison and the last known Yellowstone wolf pack was killed in 1926 under the belief that “the only good wolf is a dead one.” Boy were they dead wrong. Yellowstone became wolf-free for more then...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Cannabis is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic. When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back. Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an en...
The noun came to be spelled deke (perhaps influenced by a nickname that was common at the time: Deke), and in 1961, the verb deke came into use as well. Though deke has been lent to other sports, such as basketball and baseball, it’s still associated most strongly with hockey. ...
affirmation since at least the early 1980s, and variations likeword upare almost as old. The expression grew out of—and is still strongly associated with—old-school hip-hop, but is still current today, outlasting other slang terms that are now only used ironically or to evoke a certain ...
Rebecca Gethin and Holly Bars. We are delighted to have received 100% satisfied feedback from the attending poets after the Awayday, confirming that the workshops had helped with their writing and that they would like to do something similar in 2023. We must thank staff at Dumbleton Hall for...
From the French toilette cloth on which items used for grooming are placed. used in: The Spectacles Ashtophet Most likely refers to "Ashtoreth, the Phoenician and Egyptian goddess of love and fertility and "Tophet", a version of hell associated in the Old Testament with the Egyptian worship...
Crunk: Originating from the Southern United States in the '90s, Crunk is a subgenre that incorporates shouting vocals and energetic, dance-friendly beats. It's often associated with party anthems and lyrics about letting loose and having a good time. ...
We can then examine the most frequent words that were preceded by “not” and were associated with a sentiment. not_words<-bigrams_separated%>%filter(word1=="not")%>%inner_join(AFINN, by=c(word2="word"))%>%count(word2,value, sort=TRUE)not_words#> # A tibble: 229 × 3#> word...
US Meaning: In the US, a banger is a song that has an energetic beat that one can dance to. It has also been used to refer to an individual in a street gang. 13 Shingle 126 votes UK Meaning: In the UK, a shingle is a small, round beach stone. Shingle bea...